Basketball individual moves 2024 special points and cultural points

作者:来仲自 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 09:09:30

Analysis of the overall performance of 850 candidates (including 3 second-choice candidates) of the 850 candidates (including 3 second-choice candidates) to be admitted to Jilin Institute of Physical Education in 2024.
Extraordinary performance. Among them, 765 students majored in sports training and 85 majored in martial arts and traditional ethnic sports, all of which reached their respective admission control limits.
In terms of cultural scores, the highest score was 479 points, the lowest score was 158 points, and the average score was 305.6 points. Remarkably, 8 people scored more than 450 points, 44 people scored more than 400 points, 181 people scored more than 350 points, 466 people scored more than 300 points, and 699 people scored 250 points or more, showing the diversity of the candidates' cultural qualities. sex and higher levels.
In terms of special scores, the highest score is 100 points, the lowest score is 40 points, and the average score is 82.07 points. There are 10 people with perfect scores, including 1 athlete, 8 first-level athletes and 1 second-level athlete, and the perfect scores are concentrated in weightlifting, track and field and shooting events.
In terms of compre hensive scores, the highest overall score was 88.48 points, the lowest was 38.47 points, and the overall average score was 72.73 points. The proportion of excellent compre hensive results is: 12 people (1.4%) with a score of 85 or more, 151 people (17.8%) with a score of 80 or more, 374 people (44%) with a score of 75 or more, 623 people (73.3%) with a score of 70 or more, showing that Candidates showed balanced performance in compre hensive abilities in physical education and cultural classes.
In terms of technical level distribution, there are 8 athletes, 180 first-level athletes, and second-level athletes dominate, with a total of 662 people. This shows Jilin Institute of Physical Education’s acceptance of second-level athletes, and also Reflects the inclusiveness of its admissions policy.

What are the policy changes for the college entrance examination sports individual recruitment in 2024?
1. Regarding the new policy for the 2024 sports college entrance examination, the requirements for the technical level of athletes are first raised. Starting from 2024, only candidates who meet the registration requirements for the college entrance examination in the province of origin and have the title of national first-class athlete or above will be eligible to apply for high-level sports teams.
2. Secondly, the new policy cancels the "single-stroke line" of cultural courses for sports single-stroke. Starting from 2024, the cultural examination results of high-level sports teams will be fully based on the cultural examination results of the National Unified College Entrance Examination, and professional tests will also be included in the national unified examination, and the State Sports General Administration will be responsible for organizing and implementing it. Colleges and universities will no longer organize relevant professional tests on their own.
3. The new policy also increases the admission requirements for cultural courses. For candidates who apply for world-class universities, their college entrance examination scores need to reach the minimum undergraduate admission control line in the province where the students come from; for other universities, candidates' college entrance examination scores need to reach 80% of the undergraduate admission score line.
4. Regarding athlete level certificates, starting from 2024, only candidates with national first-level (inclusive) level certificates or above can register for high-level sports teams. The pre vious Level 2 Athlete Level Certificate will no longer be applicable to registration for high-level sports teams.
5. In terms of performance, colleges and universities will be encouraged to explore the establishment of a special cultural course admissions mechanism for candidates with outstanding sports performance and special training potential. In terms of majors enrolled in high-level sports teams, starting from 2024, students admitted to high-level sports teams whose scores in the college entrance examination cultural courses are no less than 20 points below the admission score of the relevant majors in the enrolling colleges and universities in the student's source province can apply to study in the corresponding general majors; the rest Students are limited to physical education majors.
6. In addition, the impact of the reform of high-level sports on individual sports is also worthy of attention. For students who originally held a national second-level certificate and met the requirements for high-level sports teams, they may directly lose a path to college. Therefore, the pre ssure on this group of candidates will increase. In the future, second-level athletes who want to enter college through sports expertise will only have two options: individual sports admissions and unified sports admissions.
7. In addition, some sports single-enrollment colleges may increase the application requirements for certain admissions projects, such as increasing the application restrictions for grade certificates or raising the minimum control score for special subjects.
8. Finally, it is worth mentioning that in 2024, more schools will begin to recruit single-sport sports students. According to the relevant list recently announced by the Ministry of Education, a total of 12 colleges and universities have newly approved sports training majors, and 2 colleges and universities have newly approved martial arts and traditional ethnic sports majors.