
作者:称伯苑 | 发布日期:2024-09-24 23:57:51

1、How much is the average monthly salary of a fitness instructor?

Like all industries, fitness instructors earn more or less. First, let’s take a look at the latest survey data from a third-party organization:

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As can be seen from the data, fitness coaches with a salary of 10,000-15,000 account for 20.1%, and those with a salary of less than 5,000 account for 11.1%. Fitness instructors with a salary of more than 20,000 account for 18.5%. So the question is, why is the difference so big?

1. There are differences in professionalism

From corporate executives to company white-collar workers, there is a trend that cannot be ignored: users have an increasing demand for professionalism. Come higher and higher. Fat loss, muscle gain, rehabilitation, movement guidance, nutrition matching, when the market's requirements for the level of fitness coaches become higher, the living space and salary of less professional fitness coaches will be compre ssed.

2. Differences in personal qualities

For first-time members, how to make them believe that you are a professional fitness instructor. The most direct and effective thing is that your own training level can visually convince the other party: fitness body, strong muscles, sunny temperament. Therefore, in addition to professional skills, fitness coaches must also strengthen their own training.

3. Service levels vary

Service level sounds abstract, but members feel it most intuitively. Are you capturing your members’ exercise needs? Has a fitness plan been developed based on member needs? Have you listened carefully to members’ feelings? How well members perform their fitness plans These are the criteria for members to choose the service level of fitness coaches.

To summarize in one sentence: How much money can a fitness instructor make? It depends on your own professionalism, training level and service level. If your three scores are above 80, then you earn more than 80% of your peers.